Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Malaise Damaged This Country, Then They BLAME The Chinese.

The malaise damaged this country, then they BLAME the Chinese. But they forgot blaming themselves.

Now, this is malaise mind in majority of Malaysians. I mean the malaise Malaysians that maybe, including even myself.

Puak malaise merosakkan negara ini, kemudian TUDING orang Cina. Tetapi lupa pula menyalahkan diri mereka sendiri.
(Skrol ke bawah untuk Bahasa Melayu)

1. They are in eternal blame game. To blame everyone's else for every discomforts or misfortunes that they encountered in life.

2. They blame Jews for everything. For them Jews are the wicked people and the source of evil, akin to the breeds of Satan.

The problem is that, Jews are hard to find in this country.

3. So in the absence of Jews, they pick on Chinese instead. For them Chinese equally ARE the wicked people and the source of evil, akin to the breeds of Satan.

4 They never grow tired preaching that we should pick up a fight with Chinese in every turn of events. Strangely, they use the infidel-owned social media for their 'noble' cause.

5. It doesn't actually just stopped there. They pray so God casts torment upon the Chinese people. If the torment is nowhere to be found, then they start blaming even GOD.

6. The truth is, Chinese aren't the one that caused heavy damage to our country since independence. That is for sure.

7. It is the malaise leaders, that are the "sons of the soil", did all of them.
They lead the country for so long and using this hatred to keep the power to themselves and, to keep the wealth among themselves.

Not only that.They begot the narrow- minded generation that measures piousness by the thickness of somebody's beard.

8. The wicked one definitely NOT the Chinese. It is the malaise.

Puak malaise merosakkan negara ini, kemudian TUDING orang Cina. Tetapi lupa pula menyalahkan diri mereka sendiri.

Ini adalah minda malaise majoriti rakyat Malaysia. Saya maksudkan rakyat Malaysia yang mungkin, malah termasuk diri saya sendiri.

1. Menuding jari selama-lamanya. Menyalahkan orang lain untuk setiap ketidakselesaan atau nasib malang yang mereka hadapi dalam kehidupan.

2. Mereka menyalahkan orang Yahudi untuk segala-galanya. Bagi mereka Yahudi adalah orang jahat dan sumber kejahatan, sama dengan keturunan Syaitan. Masalahnya ialah, orang Yahudi sukar untuk dijumpai di negara ini.

3. Jadi dengan ketiadaan orang Yahudi, mereka beralih kepada orang Cina. Bagi mereka Cina juga ADALAH orang jahat dan sumber kejahatan, sama seperti keturunan Syaitan.

4 Mereka tiada hentinya menghasut supaya kita berlawan dengan orang Cina dalam setiap peristiwa apa pun yang berlaku. Anehnya, mereka menggunakan media sosial yang dimiliki oleh orang kafir untuk tujuan 'mulia' ini.

 5. Belum cukup lagi setakat begitu. Mereka malah berdoa supaya Tuhan menghukum orang Cina. Sekiranya azab itu tidak juga sampai-sampai, mulalah dengan Tuhan, Tuhan sekali disalahkan pula. 

6. Sebenarnya, Cina bukanlah yang menyebabkan kerosakan berat di negara kita sejak merdeka. Itu pasti.

7. Perosaknya adalah pemimpin malaise, iaitu "bumiputera" yang melakukan semuanya. Mereka memimpin negara ini begitu lama dan menggunakan kebencian ini untuk menjaga kuasa untuk diri sendiri dan, untuk menjaga kekayaan sesama sendiri.

 Bukan itu sahaja. Mereka melahirkan generasi berpandangan sempit yang mengukur warak atau tidaknya seseorang melalui tebal tidaknya janggut masing-masing.

8. Penjahat-penjahat itu bukan orang Cina. Itu adalah puak malaise.

Mereka yang kini sedang berusaha keras untuk menendang DAP daripada segmen politik Malaysia.

Merekalah sebenarnya yang merupakan musuh sebenar kita.

Bukan orang Cina.

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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

UMNO and Pas are VERY, very upset


UMNO and Pas are VERY, very upset. They throw Atuk out of the window.

So, what do we have today?
It is sideway movement that is, as my friend and I jokingly said yesterday.

So perhaps, there is a never ending negotiatioms among our political war lords with nearly everyone seems to be tight lipped over everything.

Its deafening silence the whole day but, lots of movements took place.

A few things to seems clear though.

1. It safe to say that DAP and Amanah is atuk's fixed deposit while they still courting with PKR. It is the block that stays, sink and swim with atuk as of the moment of writing. And how many of them? 42 + 11, a total of 53.

2. When atuk said he doesn't want to work with UMNO, actually he really meant it. So for any UMNO MPs who want to be with him, they need to do so as individuals, not as part of the party.

3. This stand of course upset UMNO and it's buddy, Pas. How upset they are? Enough to scream that they don't want atuk anymore and prefer fresh election instead. And just how many this block members are? They claimed to have 105 with them. But in reality just about 41+18, which is 59. BN and Pas. So yell as they like, but they aren't going anywhere, to be honest with.

4. PPBM is still trying to convince atuk to be with their way of doing thing. That is, to go along with UMNO and Pas.

5. Where is PKR? Still promoting The Idea. The same idea that Abam should be appointed as the next PM, no one else. They claimed to have 90 with them, including DAP and Amanah.


See you tomorrow.
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