1. Even if you aren't the fan of conspiracy theory of any kind, it may bag a question; is the worst has yet to come to Putrajaya?
2. There must be a stalemate of some sort in PH government at the moment. A strong hesitation to make a move is clear. The AG still there, albeit on unrecorded leave. The EC chairman is still there, The IG of Police still there, Arul Kanda is still free and,
Najib, being noisy as ever, is left untouched and Rosmah is still roaming around.
3. Oh dear Tun, what is going on?
4. Is it because of the month of Ramadhan that the PH givernment seems buying time? Or
5. Najib is still holding strong cue cards in hand, and some blue chips to bargain with. That is, in the event of his refusal to cooperates with, or, exposing the the real truth of the matters, every effort that PH government is doing may not produce any desirable results.
6. To the pile hundreth billions of ringgit that has been added to make 1 trilion national debt, Najib is a sure megalomaniac if he used it all to his family and himself. I don't believe that the money that much will be of any use to anybody including Rosmah.
7. I suspect most of it was for UMNO /BN (UBN) to get going. It was an ageing blue dinosaur up until 9th of May,
2018. It is very expensive to maintain with. If you don't believe me, it entirely up to you. But take one for example, just to hold a simple political gathering (ceramah). This is taken for granted as a nearly-free event for Pas or DAP, but not for UMNO. There must be RM20 - RM50 ready pocket money to every attendee, free transportation back and forth, plus food and beverages during the event.
8. So there goes the money. A single event with the audience of 200 can easily cost UBN of RM15,000 or even more. Imagine how much it costs just to maintain a branch or a division, for that matter.
9. If that alone is expensive, how about the amount of money necessary to maintain UMNO's 222 divisions throughout the country. And not to mention of course, prior to GE14, BN had 13 parties as the component.
10. Well, it is sure expensive, you agree. The possibility is there, you said. It is sure the UBN corrupt culture, you ponder. But what it getting to do with Najib's cue sort of thing? You asked.
11. Probably, here's where the answer lies. If UMNO BN corrupt, it isn't corrupt just in Najib time. Maybe in different magnitude, but sure it is UBN DNA for five decades. Before Najib, it was Pak Lah, and before pak Lah, it is Tun M himself.
12. I bet many of of you still remember Najib's way of doing things. "I help you, you help me", he was famously said. How about IF, "You hurt me, I hurt you". Or IF, "You expose me, I EXPOSE you" kind of thing ...
13. Interesting right? Only that this article is getting longer. Not many Malaysians interested to read long article from a nobody like me, I assure. So, perhaps I will continue in some other time.